International Student Employability

The international student employability series includes a series of reports developed for international students, education providers and employers.

Enhanced employability is more crucial than ever before to ensure international students are work-ready upon graduation. Preparing international students with a tool kit of dynamic employability skills is vital for the future success of the student cohort, and by extension, the international education sector.

International Student Employability: A Guide for Australian Education Providers

Published on 20/10/2020
The employability of international graduates is both a key priority and a continued challenge for education providers around the world.Nicholas Bakker


International Education: Broadening Your Business Horizons Employers

Published on 15/05/2019
As Australia’s fourth largest export, the international education sector was worth almost $35 billion to the economy in 2018 and supports more than 240,000 jobs. That’s putting a whole lot of good back into business.


Employing International Students & Graduates

Published on 1/09/2022
The purpose of this resource is to assist Australian employers understand the broad range of options to hire and retain international talent.IEAA

Higher degree research (HDR) employability guides

This project focused on enhancing the leadership and professional capabilities of HDR candidates and has produced a series of seven employability guides inspired by and co-designed with 60 HDR ambassadors from across Queensland who attended an employability themed conference in June 2018.

Download the HDR employability guides here.

These reports were produced in partnership with the Austrade, and ETS TOEFL