
National Symposium on Australia-China School Partnerships

IEAA National Symposium on the future of Australia-China School Partnerships 2024
21 May 2024, Melbourne
On 21 May 2024, IEAA will deliver a ‘National Symposium on the future of Australia-China School Partnerships’. This project has been made possible by a grant from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, through Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

For assistance in registering for this event, please fill out this form or contact [email protected] | 注册此次研讨会,请您填写此表格,或将以下信息发至 [email protected]

Web Desc

This Symposium aims to strengthen bilateral education connections in the schools sector and will be delivered in a hybrid in-person (from Melbourne), online format. Digital recordings of the event and a follow-up report will be shared publicly through IEAA’s website to capture key learnings and to deepen impact.  

Virtual Platform

To stream the event online, registrants can access the virtual platform via the below link:

Virtual Platform

*Access is via the email used to register for the event


Tuesday 21 May 8:30am - 6:00pm AEST

8:30am  Registration
Session 1 Opening and Keynote
Session 2 Digital Partnerships
  Morning Tea 
Session 3 Curriculum Partnerships
Session 4 School-to-school Initiatives 
Session 5 School-to-school Initiatives continued
Session 6 Priorities for the future of Australia-China school partnerships
4:30pm Networking at the Chinese Australian History Museum


Individual sessions will:

  • Present best-practice case studies of Australia-China school partnerships;
  • Acknowledge existing engagement between Australian and Chinese schools stakeholders and seed new, meaningful connections;
  • Showcase Australian expertise and excellence in international education that enhances our capacity to engage with Chinese schools sector stakeholders; and
  • Celebrate people-to-people experiences in Australia and in China as a catalyst for life-long connections.


This Symposium is targeted at school stakeholders from Australia and China including:

  • School leaders and educators from government, private and independent schools
  • Government stakeholders
  • Those with general interest in the school sector


Symposium participants will come away with a better understanding of:

  • Existing engagement between Australian and Chinese schools and opportunities to build new connections
  • Best-practice case studies of Australia-China school partnerships
  • People-to-people experiences in Australia and in China that can catalyse life-long connections.  



There is no cost to register for this event due to the generous support we have received from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

To ensure that IEAA is able to (1) accommodate as many school stakeholders as  possible and (2) deliver a sustainable event with minimal catering wastage, we ask that: 

  • If you register for this event but are no longer able to attend, please contact the IEAA Admin to cancel your registration.
  • If you are based in China and are planning to travel to Melbourne attend this event in-person, please ensure you are first registered for the Symposium. If you require assistance, please contact the IEAA Admin.


This event is supported by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

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Online Registration
In-person Registration
3 Remaining

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State Library Victoria
328 Swanston Street
21 May 2024
You can earn up to 100 fellowship points.

Event Speakers

Event speaker details will be updated as they are confirmed.
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 28 items in 2 pages
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Abdelhamid Cherragui

Director of Academics of the British and Australian Education Programs
Weiming Education Group

Abdelhamid Cherragui is a passionate global educator with extensive experience in leadership and education across a range of systems. Originally from Morocco, he completed his master’s degree at Grenoble Alpes University in France, in which country he also commenced his teaching career. In 2012, he moved to China and has held several teaching and leadership positions. Currently, he holds the position of Director of Academics of the British and Australian Education Programs at Weiming Education Group, overseeing the curriculum, teaching, and delivery of two international high school qualifications in six different schools across China. He specialises in academic leadership, teacher training, and curriculum development.

Caraline Cloke

Head: Regulation and Accreditation
The Association of Independent Schools of NSW

Caraline is the Head of Regulation and Accreditation. She joined AISNSW in 2018 and leads the Regulation and Accreditation teams. Caraline’s teams support schools to meet State and Commonwealth regulatory requirements, particularly NESA requirements, and provide a range of services relating to teacher accreditation, including Experienced Teacher accreditation. Prior to joining AIS, Caraline worked at NESA as a Senior Inspector in NESA’s School Registration and Accreditation Directorate where she lead a team of inspectors responsible for school registration regulation as well as managing NESA’s regulatory programs for CRICOS and TAA approval. In her 15 years at NESA she also held roles in the curriculum team as a VET Curriculum Officer and in the policy team as one of NESA’s Liaison Officers for the North Coast. Caraline’s teaching background is as a secondary school TAS teacher, specialising in Food Technology, Hospitality and Design and Technology.

Emeline Gillingham

Assistant Manager, International Partnerships
Asia Education Foundation

Emeline is Assistant Manager, International Partnerships at the Asia Education Foundation and has been working in project management and stakeholder engagement in the fields of international education, Australia-Asia engagement, and international affairs for over fifteeen years. Outside of her work, Emeline enjoys reading, travelling, and is learning Mandarin Chinese. She was a delegate of the China-Australia Millennial Project in 2017 and received a Victorian Government Hamer Scholarship to study Mandarin at Sichuan University in Chengdu, China, in 2019. In 2020, she graduated from the Asialink Leaders program, as an internal scholarship recipient.

Guosheng Chen

Australia-China Studies Forum RMIT

Guosheng Yang Chen is the Honorary University Fellow and Director of Chinese Australian Studies Forum at RMIT University. With nearly 50 years of experience in education, she has taken leadership and management roles bringing various sectors together including education, government, business, and community at both local and international levels. In 1984, she was invited by the Victorian Ministry of Education to join the education system in Victoria, where she has led a number of national and international projects for 40 years. She successfully initiated and managed a number of programs that sent Australian students and academics to China, and brought Chinese leaders from education, business and government to Australia for professional development.

Gary Cowan

National Foundation for Australia-China Relations

Gary Cowan took up his role as CEO of the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations in March 2024. Gary is a senior career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Gary served overseas as Australia’s Representative in Taipei from 2018 to 2021 and earlier in roles in Australia’s missions in Beijing, Shanghai, and Tokyo. In Canberra Gary served as the First Assistant Secretary, North and South Asia Division (later South and Central Asia Division) from 2021 to 2024, managing Australia’s relations with Japan, the Republic of Korea, India, and the countries of South and central Asia. In earlier roles he headed Australia’s international climate policy and negotiations team at DFAT and the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and was speechwriter for the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Gary holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the Australia New Zealand School of Government (2010), and a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) (1997) and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (1995) from the University of Sydney. He speaks Mandarin.

Dr Helen Yang, IEAA-SF

Senior Lecturer
La Trobe University

Dr Helen Yang is a member of IEAA’s Research Committee and a Senior Lecturer of Accounting at La Trobe Business School. She is passionate about transnational business education in emerging economies, a major source of international students for Australia. Dr Yang has held academic leadership positions at several Australian and Chinese universities and has received multiple prestigious teaching awards, including an Australian Award for University Teaching, for her outstanding contributions to the leadership and scholarship of transnational education. Dr Yang completed her schooling and undergraduate education in China, holds a PhD from Victoria University in Australia and has also completed two masters degrees: an MBA (Accounting) from Victoria University and a Master of Education from the University of Melbourne. As a member of CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, Dr Yang actively engages with industry and the accounting profession.

Jane Gado

Department of Education, Queensland Government

Jane is an educational leader and passionate advocate for teachers and quality teaching and learning. Across two decades she has taught and led in schools across Queensland as well as internationally. In Jane’s current role as Director, School and region reviews, she leads teams to deliver school reviews, including reviews in offshore schools. Previously Jane was responsible for Queensland Certificate of Education implementation in China as Director, Senior Assessment and Certification Support, Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. In this role she worked closely with school leaders to support high quality education outcomes in transnational education settings.

Jenny Han

Aceleader Education Group

Jenny is Co-Founder of Aceleader Education and also chairs the Board at Zhongguancun Foreign Language School and has had extensive experience in international education since 1999. She holds a Masters degree in Education Leadership and Management from the University of Sydney and lived in Sydney for 7 years with her daughter, who attended school from Year 3 to Year 9. Her career spans higher education and K-12 international education, with deep insights into the differences and commonalities between Chinese and Western educational systems. She has successfully led and facilitated transnational collaborations between universities in China, the UK and Australia and with RMIT University for VCE and PLC for HSC programs.

Jason Xue

Edu Path Australia

Jason Xue, a seasoned leader with over two decades of international education experience, embarked on his journey by establishing the IDP Student Services office in Melbourne. From there, he assumed impactful roles as a global development manager at La Trobe University and held leadership positions at prestigious providers like Navitas, Shorelight, ECA, and UOWGE. Driven by a profound passion for education, Jason is committed to empowering students to discover their path to success. His dedication continues to make a meaningful impact, guiding students towards personal and professional fulfillment in the realm of education.

Linda Vaughan

Executive Director, International Education Division
Department of Education, Victorian Government

Linda Vaughan leads the Department of Education’s International Education Division. The Division is responsible for leading the internationalisation of education in Victorian government schools and facilitating education-related, government to government linkages and cooperation between Victoria and other countries. Linda has over 13 years of experience in the public service and has held a variety of roles during this time, including in training packages and managing the transition of the automotive industry within the Department of Education and Training. She has also managed employment programs and held executive positions in the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions in industry development and participation with a particular focus on the manufacturing, food and construction sectors. Linda is also the current chair of Australian Government Schools International (AGSI). Linda holds a Master of Arts (Aberdeen University) and is originally from Scotland. In her spare time Linda is a St Kilda FC tragic and enjoys the rare wins and occasional finals appearances.

Lisa Starmer

Executive Principal
Calamvale Community College

As Executive Principal of Calamvale Community College, Lisa Starmer, a passionate advocate of state education, has been principal for 20 of her 37 years. Over the last ten years, she has embedded the International Baccalaureate in Calamvale Community College; a culturally diverse college of 2500 students Prep to Year 12 supporting 60 cultures and many more languages. Hosting 100 international students each year and with partner schools across SE Asia, the College remains the only government school in Australia to offer three IB programs. Lisa is dedicated to inclusive education holding a Masters in Leadership Education - Inclusion. As an accredited coach, her focus is the development of teams of teacher-learners engaged in pedagogical practice that delivers innovative student-centred learning, inclusive of every student.

Lucas Li

Director, Global Engagement
Aide Education and Migration

Hongbin (Lucas) Li, is as the Director of Global Engagement at AIDE Education. Since 2019, Lucas has been actively involved in developing institutional partnerships to foster Australian education opportunities through VCE offshore programs and Higher Education projects in China and Southeast Asia. He has played various roles in collaborating with Victorian schools to initiate and implement VCE offshore programs across various Chinese cities. His own positive experiences in a VCE program in China fuel his commitment to connecting future students with Australian educational opportunities. Before stepping into the international education sector, Lucas taught at Alphington Grammar School. He earned his Bachelor of Education from Monash University and is set to begin his Master’s in Digital Education at Oxford University in October of this year.

Marcela Lapertosa

Director of Education
Value Learning (Intercultural Specialists)

Marcela Lapertosa is a Cross-Cultural Psychologist with a passion for fostering intercultural understanding. Marcela is also an intercultural facilitator and trainer who has travelled the world providing intercultural learning training and coaching to students, host families, volunteers, executives, and educators. Marcela led the development of multiple intercultural learning curricula to enhance study abroad experiences including the AFS Global Competence Certificate (GCC), a blended learning program for 18+ study abroad participants. Marcela has designed and managed government funded projects including the Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program for DFAT, and the Victorian Young Leaders Programs to China, India and Indonesia on behalf of the Victorian Department of Education. She is on the executive team for the World Council on Intercultural and Global Competence and she is a former faculty at the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication.

Nicola Taylor

Presbyterian Ladies College Armidale

Nicola Taylor has enjoyed a career in education sector, spanning over 30. With a passionate interest in student learning and curriculum development, she has held numerous executive leadership roles and served as Principal of two schools for over 16 years. Since 2016, Nicola has taken the lead in school based transnational education, establishing PLC Pathways a residential, co-educational ELICOS program. Her involvement with schools in China has provided governance support, mentoring, and assistance with the delivery of NSW HSC by the first school in mainland China. Currently, Nicola serves as the Principal of PLC Armidale and PLC Pathways.

Nate Wang

Hangzhou Dongfang High School

Nate Wang is Principal of the International Department of Hangzhou Dongfang High School. He has won many honors such as Advanced Worker of Hangzhou Xihu District Education System; New Talent of Xihu District Education Forum; Advanced Individual of Education and Scientific Research; and Excellent Principal of Zhejiang Private Primary and Secondary Schools. Nate has written more than 20 essays, which have been awarded many provincial, municipal and district level prizes. He has also written the textbook Mathematics Around Us. Nate has been engaged in international education for over 12 years and is a current member of Zhejiang Overseas Teaching Materials Audit Group. Currently he teaches A-Level Mathematics and QCE Mathematics.

Hon Phil Honeywood, IEAA-SF

Chief Executive Officer
International Education Association of Australia

Phil has been IEAA's Chief Executive Officer since November 2011. Previously, he was a Member of the Victorian State Parliament (1988–2006), Minister for Tertiary Education, Training and Multicultural Affairs (1996–1999) and Deputy Leader of the Opposition (2002–2006). Since retiring from politics, Phil worked at Stott’s Business College and Cambridge International College. Phil is the Chairman of the Roundtable of International Education Peak Body CEOs and a member of the Tuition Protection Service Board. Phil is also a Board member of the Bennelong Philanthropic Foundation and the Bangarra Group Board.

Renee Coventry

International Principal
Haileybury School Tianjin

Renee Coventry is the International Principal at Haileybury Tianjin. Offering the VCE to Senior School students, Haileybury Tianjin is uniquely positioned as an Australian-Sino school catering for Chinese students seeking pathways to Australian universities. Prior to joining Haileybury Tianjin, Renee held leadership roles in a range of international schools in China and at Caulfield Grammar School’s Nanjing Campus. She is passionate about enriching student experience through cross-cultural dialogue and progressing Australia’s engagement with China through educational exchanges, collaboration and programs.

Sabrina Li

Senior Chinese Language Teacher
St Margaret's and Berwick Grammar School

Xiaoxiao Li (Sabrina Li) , an esteemed educational leader, is the Education category winner at the "40 under 40 most influential Asian-Australians." As International Student Coordinator and Senior Chinese Language Teacher at St Margaret's and Berwick Grammar School, she leads transformative initiatives like the International Students' Study Tours between Australia and China. Sabrina also heads Qeeri, an AI-driven edtech platform that not only enhances educational engagement but also helps students explore career pathways. Her projects strengthen connections across Australia and China, promoting significant cross-cultural exchanges. Sabrina’s innovative approach and dedication to educational excellence have established her as a pivotal figure in linking these diverse communities.

Sharon Armstrong

Manager International Education
Department of Education, Victorian Government

Sharon Armstrong is manager of the International Education Division’s Internationalising Education Unit at the Victorian Department of Education. Sharon is passionate about bringing a global learning lens to the curriculum and believes strongly that a globally oriented education system leads to a more inclusive and diverse environment. Sharon has worked in the education sector both as a classroom teacher and at the system level for over 25 years leading change in the areas of school improvement, assessment and pedagogy. She has a Bachelor of Commerce and Education (Melbourne University) and a Master of Evaluation (Melbourne University)

Simon Huang

Abbotsford Primary School

Simon Huang is a well-rounded educator with a demonstrated history of teaching excellence in both independent and public schools. He specialises in multiple subjects including Business studies, Global politics, Chinese, Digital Technologies, PE and Maths. As an innovative language educator, Simon was selected for the inaugural Teaching Excellence Program (TEP) in 2022, followed by a Teaching Innovation Fellowship at Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership in 2023. Simon represented Newmark Primary in the Australia-China Digital BRIDGE Program in 2023. Currently, Simon is working as a classroom teacher at Abbotsford Primary School, a leading bilingual school in Australia.

Register for this Event

Register yourself or a group for this event then when you are ready to complete your registration select proceed to checkout. See more information on registering for an event below or contact IEAA for assistance.

National Symposium on Australia-China School Partnerships

On 21 May 2024, IEAA will deliver a ‘National Symposium on the future of Australia-China School Partnerships’. This project has been made possible by a grant from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, through Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

This Symposium aims to strengthen bilateral education connections in the schools sector and will be delivered in a hybrid in-person (from Melbourne), online format. Digital recordings of the event and a follow-up report will be shared publicly through IEAA’s website to capture key learnings and to deepen impact.  

Virtual Platform

To stream the event online, registrants can access the virtual platform via the below link:

Virtual Platform

*Access is via the email used to register for the event


Tuesday 21 May 8:30am - 6:00pm AEST

8:30am  Registration
Session 1 Opening and Keynote
Session 2 Digital Partnerships
  Morning Tea 
Session 3 Curriculum Partnerships
Session 4 School-to-school Initiatives 
Session 5 School-to-school Initiatives continued
Session 6 Priorities for the future of Australia-China school partnerships
4:30pm Networking at the Chinese Australian History Museum


Individual sessions will:

  • Present best-practice case studies of Australia-China school partnerships;
  • Acknowledge existing engagement between Australian and Chinese schools stakeholders and seed new, meaningful connections;
  • Showcase Australian expertise and excellence in international education that enhances our capacity to engage with Chinese schools sector stakeholders; and
  • Celebrate people-to-people experiences in Australia and in China as a catalyst for life-long connections.


This Symposium is targeted at school stakeholders from Australia and China including:

  • School leaders and educators from government, private and independent schools
  • Government stakeholders
  • Those with general interest in the school sector


Symposium participants will come away with a better understanding of:

  • Existing engagement between Australian and Chinese schools and opportunities to build new connections
  • Best-practice case studies of Australia-China school partnerships
  • People-to-people experiences in Australia and in China that can catalyse life-long connections.  



There is no cost to register for this event due to the generous support we have received from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

To ensure that IEAA is able to (1) accommodate as many school stakeholders as  possible and (2) deliver a sustainable event with minimal catering wastage, we ask that: 

  • If you register for this event but are no longer able to attend, please contact the IEAA Admin to cancel your registration.
  • If you are based in China and are planning to travel to Melbourne attend this event in-person, please ensure you are first registered for the Symposium. If you require assistance, please contact the IEAA Admin.


This event is supported by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.

21/05/2024 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
State Library Victoria 328 Swanston Street Melbourne, VIC 3000 AUSTRALIA
Registration is closed.

Individual Registration

To register for an IEAA event, you first need to either sign in to your account, or create a new account using the links just below the registration button.

Once you are logged in you need to:

  1. Select 'register yourself'.
  2. Choose the registration option (if there are more than one).
  3. Add any dietary or accessibility requirements (in person events only).
  4. Proceed to checkout to complete your registration.

Group Registration

To register a group, you first need to either sign in to your account, or create a new account using the links just below the registration button.

Once you are logged in you need to:

  1. Register yourself (following the individual registration steps).
  2. Choose another person Register additional people from your organisation by selecting register someone else.
  3. Select 'Register Someone Else' to add another person from your organisation.
  4. Enter the name in the search field and select.
  5. Select 'Save' to add them to your registration.
  6. Choose the registration options for each individual.
  7. Repeat for additional people.
  8. Proceed to checkout to complete your registration.