Data Sources

We collate and contextualise the latest information provided by these trusted data sources to inform our members, research and advocacy.

Here are some of our preferred trusted data sources for international education information and statistics.

Department of Education, Skills and Employment

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment provides a monthly summary of international student data (enrolments and commencements), as well as some excellent infographs and research snapshots.

[International Student Data]

Department of Home Affairs

Statistical information on international students on various student visa programs.

[Student Visa and Temporary Graduate Visa program reports]

Education at the Glance: OECD Indicators 2017

Education at a Glance is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world.

[Education at a Glance]


Open Doors®: Institute of International Education (IIE)

Open Doorsis a data portal produced by IIE. Here you will find data on international students in the United States, American students studying abroad, intensive English programs, international scholars, the economic impact of international students in the US and more.

[Open Doors]