Government Submissions

IEAA is the only cross-sectoral organisation representing international education in Australia. As such, we are in a unique position to advocate on behalf of the whole sector. This includes providing regular media commentary, lobbying State and Federal Governments on issues affecting international education and contributing to government inquiries and reviews.

Year Submission
2024  IEAA Response to Australia’s International Education and Skills Strategic Framework (PDF) 
2023  IEAA Address to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade (PDF)
2023 IEAA Submission on Australian Universities Accord Panel Discussion Paper (PDF)
2022 IEAA Submission to A Migration System for Australia's Future (PDF) 
2022 Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Review 2022- IEAA Response (PDF)
2022 IEAA’s Submission to Queensland International Education and Training Strategy
2022 International Student Diversity at Australian Universities – Response to Australian Government Discussion Paper
2021 IEAA Submission Response to Australian Strategy for International Education (PDF, external)
2020 Senate Select Committee on Temporary Migration – Department of the Senate (March 2020)
2019 Education agent performance data – Department of Education (February 2019)
2018 Soft power review – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (October 2018)
2018 Growing international education in regional Australia – Department of Education (December 2018)
2017 Foreign Policy White Paper – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (February 2017)
2017 National Code review – Department of Education and Training (March 2017)
2017 Visa Simplification: Transforming Australia’s Visa System – Department of Immigration and Border Protection (September 2017)
2017 Simplified Student Visa Framework (SSVF) Appraisal – Department of Immigration and Border Protection (November 2017)
2015 Draft National Strategy for International Education – Department of Education (May 2015)
2015 ESOS Amendment (Streamlining Regulation) Bill 2015 and ESOS (Registration Charges) – Department of Education (August 2015)
2015 ESOS Bills – Department of Education (October 2015)
2015 Skilled occupations list – Department of Home Affairs (November 2015)
2015 Migrant intake into Australia – Productivity Commission (December 2015)
2014 Joint review of border fees, charges and taxes – Department of Immigration and Border Protection (October 2014)
2014 Reform to the ESOS framework – Department of Education (November 2014)
2013 An action plan for international education – Peak bodies communique (August 2013)
2012 Australia in the Asian Century – Australian Government (February 2012)
2012 Student visa assessment level framework – Department of Immigration and Border Protection (March 2012)
2012 NSW International Education and Research Task Force – NSW Government (March 2012)
2012 International Education Advisory Council – Chaney review (June 2012)
2011 Strategic vision for international education (2011)
2011 Strategic review of the student visa program – Department of Immigration and Citizenship (April 2011)
2009 ESOS Act review – Department of Education (2009)
2009 Senate enquiry into the welfare of international students – Standing Committee on Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (August 2009)